Best of the Net Nomination 2023


“Stars” by Katie Peterson

“Hiking with Mother, Meadow Trail” by Marisa Lin

“Elegy for Ayako” by Patricia Aya Williams

“Simple Poem” by Daniel Johnson

“birthright” by Thea Barzditis

“Anembryonic” by Kyle D. Craig


“Tap & Run” by Daniel Tarker

“Troubled Teen Money Machine” by Katy Wolff


“The Stranger” by Jennifer Jussel

“Teeth” by Marshal Moore


“House of Green Exterior” by Barbara Sherman

“Untitled” by Chris Burkard

“An Ocean Wide” by Minhee Chung

Pushcart Nominations 2023


“Stars” by Katie Peterson

“Hiking with Mother, Meadow Trail” by Marisa Lin

“Elegy for Ayako” by Patricia Aya Williams

“Simple Poem” by Daniel Johnson


“Tap & Run” by Daniel Tarker


“The Stranger” by Jennifer Jussel

Best of the Net Nominations 2022


1. Stefan Karlsson's "Memory Replacement"

2. Christine Boyer’s “Rise Again” (Vol. 109.2)

3. Lucille Lang Day’s “Pandemic Beauty” (Vol. 109.1)


1. Chi Ngo’s “Marine Layer” (Vol. 109.2)

2. Claudia Schatz’ “Deadweight” (Vol. 109.2)

Works of Creative Nonfiction

1. JJ Peña’s “You Left Us Like Winter” (Vol. 109.1)

2. Emily Cassia’s “Somewhere in Between” (110.2)


1. Ellery Beck’s “Deluge,”

2. Ria Unson’s “I Dream In English” (Vol. 109.2)

WINNER, 3. Junghwa Yoo’s “A Building in the Afternoon”

Pushcart Prize Nominations 2021

Our staff is pleased to announce that we have nominated a handful of writers for the 2021 Pushcart Prize. The Pushcart Prize aims to recognize distinguished writers by publishing their works in one volume. More information about the Pushcart Prize can be accessed here. We have nominated the following writers:

Christina Quintana (CQ) for "Maiden Voyage"

Halsey Hyer for "Boy Starves Girl"

Lisa Mottolo for "A Philosopher Who is Afraid of the News"

Mia Wright for "Ghetto Son"

Z.Z. Boone for "Cliff"

Jamilla Vandyke-Bailey for "The Dilemma of the Black Friend"

Each of these pieces can be found by accessing our past issues.

Publishing What Resonates:

The Santa Clara Review” and “The Owl”

Poetry Editor Nate Metz was interviewed by The Santa Clara, our university’s newspaper. Please take a look at the interview by clicking here.

“Spy in the Slushpile #8: Santa Clara Review” Interview

We are excited to announce that we were interviewed by Notebooking Daily. Please take a look at the interview by clicking here. This interview showcases more information about the pieces we accept. Emma Kuli, our editor, discusses her thoughts on literature.